Border Collies are renowned throughout the world for their skills with a flock. they have a unique look that seems to bewitch sheep - and even to odd stray goose. These canines are very active.
origin: United Kingdom
morphology: lupoid
boys: 53 cm
girls: slightly smaller
grooming: twice annually
Sporty type that loves to work
These sheepdogs have a reputation for tenacity, hard work and obedience. Sheep farmers value their dedication, vigilance, responsiveness and all-round intelligence. Border Collies must never be anxious or aggressive. When not looking after sheep, they enjoy a variety of activities from flyball, agility and obedience to dog dancing. A dog with its primary instincts intact, and committed to getting the job done.
A well proportioned, smooth outline that is graceful, elegant and perfectly balanced, plus sufficient substance to give an impression of endurance. Any coarseness or lack of body is undesirable.
Moderately broad skull without pronounced occiput. The cheeks should be neither full nor rounded. Moderately short and strong muzzle that tapers to the tip of the nose.
Medium - sized with medium texture. Set well apart and carried pricked or semi-pricked. Sensitive to the slightest sound.
Athletic, with well sprung ribs; longer than height to the withers.
Moderately long with bone reaching at least to the hock.
All colours are acceptable, although white must not be dominant.
Two varieties: moderately long and short. Dense topcoat of medium texture and soft, tight undercoat.
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