Sunday, 27 January 2013

Did you know? Syberian Husky

Syberian Husky

The breed's ancestors were originally reared by the Chukchi people in Eastern Siberia. Altered by reports of this outstanding sled dog, Americans in Alaska first imported them to the USA in 1909.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Breed of the week - Siberian Husky

A top dog

Origin: United States
boys - 53 -60 cm, 20 - 27 kg,
girls - 51 - 56 cm, 16 - 23 kg
Grooming - monthly

Siberian Huskies are alert, sociable animals of gentle temperament. They do not share the natural possesive qualities of a guard dog, nor display extreme distrust of strangers, nor assume an agressive attitude among other dogs. Mature dogs are somewhat reserved and dignified. Their intelligence, docility and desire to please make them pleasant companions and willing workers.

Huskies are harmonously proportioned dogs

They are medium sized dogs, with moderately developed bone structure and harmonious proportions. They move very freely. Shape of eyes - almond. Their eyes are slightly oblique, brown, blue are acceptable. What is funny about their eyes that also it is possible for those dogs to have two different eyes.

Characteristic of Siberian Husky

Head: Medium-sized skull in proportion to the body. Slightly rounded at the top.

Ears: Medium-sized, triangular, set close together on top of the head.

Body: Straight and strong, level topline from withers to croup, chest deep and strong.
Tail: Well-furnished, fox brush, set just below the topline.
Colour: Ny, from black to pure white.
Coat: Medium - length double coat, well - furnished but never long enough to obscure the clean lines of the dog.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Adapting the food to the dog's breed (chapter 2)

Predisposition to formation of dental tartar

Some dogs with overlapping teeth (including Bulldogs and Pugs) or small jaws ( also Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzu) express a natural tendency to produce tartar in the gums and teeth, which causes pain during mastication for the dog and unpleasant effects for the owner (bad breath). After toothbrushing, the most effective way to combat this harmful deposit is through the food (including polyphosphate salts, zinc salts and polyphenols). The same  goes for texture. When kibble texture and ergonomics are right, the dog will bite into them in just the right way to subject its teeth to a light abrasive action.

Special facial morphology

Brachycephalic breeds (including Boxer, Bulldog, Pug) and breeds that have small jaws
  • Yorkshire Terrier 
  • Chihuahua

sometimes find it difficult to grasp their food. Either they are unable to use their incisors properly  or they are unable to keep the food in their mouth. On the other hand, other very large breeds, such as:
  • German Shepherd 
  • Rottweiler, 

have wide jaws.

Adapting the size and shape of kibbles to suit the anatomical characteristics of such dogs ensures they are able to properly grasp, masticate and to digest their food.

Adopting this approach with regard to the form of kibbles for giant breeds also reduces the ingestion of air and slows down consumption, which are two factors that help prevent bloat.

Predisposition to excessive weight gain and its consequences

The well-known gluttonous qualities of such breeds as:
  • Labrador Retriever 
  • Beagle 

predisposes these dogs to weight gain linked to a maintenance energy requirement that is lower than that of most other breeds, which affects
  • Rottweilers 
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Cocker Spaniels. 

This weight gain can be prevented by giving the dog a food with a moderate energy density, so that volume of food ingested can be kept at a comfortable level.
The main visible consequence of excessive weight gain is the appearance of the joint problems that large breeds and all dogs with a natural inclination to corpulence are predisposed to. The introduction of nutrients helps protect the joints.

Many Specific diseases can be prevented 

It is rare to find a breed that is not predisposed to one pathology or other, but it is also rare that  nutrition in unable to prevent or improve these pathologies. Without the enzymes that are needed to transform uric acid to urea, ( for ex. Dalmatians) cannot consume metabolic precursors of uric acid due to the risk of uric acid crystals being deposited in the bladder or joints. It is accordingly easy to understand that sources of purine (a nitrogenous base in DNA) must be avoided in their food by excluding such ingredients as liver, yeasts and meat of young animals, and that this justifies (together with other arguments) the existence of complete foods specially formulated for this breed.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Adapting the food to the dog's breed

Think about feeding your dog...

Thanks to the recent advancements in our understanding of the canine species we  also know that these differences are accompanied by methabolic characteristics that can sometimes be significant. This means that food can be tailored to a specific breed to ensure that the dog expresses its fool potential and and, in particular, to effectively help prevent certain specific diseases that a particular breed is susceptible to.

This is not going to be a place to give list the specific characteristics of all the breeds that merit specially formulated food. I will show some phenomena that were studied by scientists and for which proven nutritional solutions exist. Some breeds are genetically predisposed to suffer disorders of a given organ (not all dogs of that  breed will be affected). Preventive nutrition is recommended in those cases.

Digestive fragility

  • German Shepherds
  • Boxers 
  • Great Danes
  • Bulldogs
  • English Setters

They all can have a fragile digestive system, expressed by fairly frequent diarrhoea or excessive flaturence. Digestion can be significantly improved in these dogs by giving them highly digestible food with hight FOS
(fructo-oligosaccharides) contents. These fermentable fibres promote a good balance in the digestive flora and improve the quality of the immune defences in the gut.

Predisposition to skin problems

The body's protective barrier, the skin, is a very complex organ that is responsible for hair growth and sebum secretion (dogs do not sweat). Some breeds have very sensitive skin

  • German Shepherds
  • Boxers
  • Pugs
  • Westies

while others may spend a lot of time in water:

  • Labradors 
  • Newfundlands 

or may simply have an owner who finds the quality of their skin important
  • German Shepherds
  • Poodles
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Coocker Spaniels
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Setters
  • Shih Tzus
  • Yorkshire Terriers.

It's known that omega 3 fatty acids enable skin inflammation phenomena to be controlled by altering the synthesis by the body of pro-inflammation intermediaries derived from prostaglandins. Likewise, it is also possible to adapt mixtures of B complex vitamin and trace minerals to optimise skin regeneration and hair growth.

I think this is important topic for all dogs owners to read and to think about your small (or bigger) friend. There is al lot of thinks that have to be said but I don't wanna put you bored to I will finish this part and next part u will see in next post.
Please let me know if those informations are useful for u or not? Tell me also what u like to see in this blog.
Thanks ;)

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Did you know ? Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are loved and trusted family dogs all over the world, but they are also versatile sporting and working dogs. In sports they excel in disciplines as varied as obedience and agility. They are used as search and rescue dogs and guide dogs. They are also outstanding trackers and retrievers on the hunt.

The Golden Retreiver in the United States 

A little taller and heavier than its British cousin, although it is less powerful. The coat is generally darker and the hair finer to the touch.